Comments on: Everything you wanted to know about Zorin OS 12 Thu, 24 Oct 2019 12:09:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ratikanta M Thu, 24 Oct 2019 12:09:08 +0000 unable to install wifi driver Realtek RTL8821CE in zorin 15 os in a hp laptop

By: Nick Sun, 23 Jun 2019 09:27:38 +0000 In reply to Kio.

Go to bios and disable legacy mode. I had the same problem a few time, it seems to only be an issues with HP computers.

By: Kio Sun, 27 Jan 2019 22:34:01 +0000 In reply to GDW.

Darling, that means you have some form of the USB on the machine. Try reinstalling.

By: GDW Sat, 26 Jan 2019 05:30:55 +0000 Help please – major issues!!
I just installed Zorin 12.4 on my HP Notebook. I replaced everything – so didn’t keep my old OS (Windows). Everything seemed fine until the installation was finalised and I had to restart the machine.
I hit restart and then the same screen popped up showing the 3 options (try zorin OS without installing / install zorin in OS / Check disc for defects) – same as when I booted from USB at the beginning of the installation process.
I seemed to be stuck in this endless loop, then decided to pull out the USB and restart. When I do that, I get a message “Selected Boot Image did not Authenticate.” The only thing I can do there is hit enter and that shuts down the machine.
Next I went into BIOS from startup and selected “OS Boot Manager – Ubuntu (IM2S3138E-128GM-B)” – and I got the exactly same message.
I’m not a techie so quite lost now.
Hoping someone can help pls…

By: David Mathena Sun, 15 Jul 2018 12:14:37 +0000 In reply to Amit Rajput.

I am having the same problem. I can’t get wifi to work on Zorin 12.

By: Hans Sun, 06 May 2018 23:35:03 +0000 I have had it with Dows 7 after being locked of the login
screen regardless how many times I imputed m password.

I decided to try Zorin 12 over Mint 8.3. Anything has to be
better than MicroGates.

I am now a Linuxman!! Or as Nixon once said, we are all
Linux now.

By: joker Sun, 26 Nov 2017 11:41:26 +0000 In reply to Bob Nitrio.

its a bug buddy did u try restarting

By: Norm M. Sun, 19 Nov 2017 21:01:36 +0000 I realize an article like this is written to encourage users to try out Zorin OS. But having tried and used various versions of Zorin OS, I’m totally stumped why the major change in desktop direction. I currently using Zorin OS 11, and installed 12 on a cousn’s laptop. After some issues, I just had him switch to Linux Mint. He’s had zero problems since then.

I’m not that impressed with the Win10 look of Zorin OS 12, and if I wanted Gnome, I’d just install Ubuntu. I don’t see any real advantages in this new version of Zorin. They can’t seem to decide whether they want to present a Windows environment or a Linux one. The default apps are nothing to write home about either. For the most part, if I was to go with Zorin 12, I’d probably change more than half the apps included with the distro.

As a long-time Linux user, I’m a bit dismayed at the way distros have shifted gears, without any real rhyme or reason. Change for the sake of change? Who knows? I was a big fan of Bodhi Linux, for example, and that distro took a whole different approach (almost written from the ground up) and I think it kinda sucks now. I’m not against change as long as it shows a clear advantage, but Bodhi’s author was apparently frustrated with Enlightenments development team and its slow progress.

The thing is that users get used to certain things and then when the rug is pulled out from us, we are left rebuilding from scratch again. In the case of Zorin, they’ve flipped from a predomantly bright white default desktop to this very dark look. The menus are totally different and in my opinion, bland. I also know that everyone is jumping on the stark, plain bandwagon but to me, version 12 is a serious change from version 11, which is why I’m sticking with 11 until I decide to backup everything on my laptop and install something completely different. (Linux MATE 17.10 and even Linux Mint are looking like front-runners for me. I’ve even entertained Ubuntu but I’m waiting to see what happens when they finally release version 18.04.)

No one ever wants to be the first user of any major update unless you want to slag through issues. In any case, I wish the boys at Zorin OS reconsider their desktop environment. There is another distro that seems to be up-and-coming called ExternOS. I think they are on the right path although it may take at least another year or more before they get out of the beta phase and it becomes useable. But their approach is much bolder and blends the best of Mac and Windows, even to the point of offering a Cortana-like experience.

The changes within the Linux desktop world are coming at break-neck speed. Zorin had my heart and soul for quite some time but version 12 really put a damper on that for me.

By: Pradeep Kumar Wed, 12 Apr 2017 06:31:12 +0000 In reply to Ken.

Hi Ken,

qBittorrent is available as a bittorrent client for zorin os. It is better than Utorrent.


Hope it helps.

By: Ken Sun, 09 Apr 2017 01:36:29 +0000 I have Zorin 12 Ultimate. How do you install Utorrent?
