Comments on: 11 Reason Why To Migrate From Windows Desktop To Linux Desktop Sun, 09 Feb 2020 04:20:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Moses Brodin Tue, 14 May 2019 05:12:51 +0000 mention any Arch Linux based distros or even Arch Linux for that matter. Manjaro is perfect for gaming too as Steam comes preinstalled and with great hardware detection capabilities too.

By: Jason Watkins Mon, 21 Aug 2017 23:36:04 +0000 Linux is free. I’ll give you that, but so was Windows 10 for close to a year. Even if you had a pirated copy. Besides, most people (not all) buy their OS with a new machine. Not everyone throws a new OS on legacy or upgraded hardware. If you have a brain, data safety can be achieved on any OS, not just Linux. Hardware failures can/will happen regardless of what OS you’re running. Rsync is no more difficult to learn than robocopy, you just have to take the initiative to learn it. Linux does run well on low-end hardware (Android), but so does Windows. It’s not ‘great’ on that low end hardware, but what is? Puppy Linux? The driver angle is hysterical. Ever since Windows 7 was released in ’09, drivers really haven’t been an issue with Windows and it has only improved with each successive release. Windows 10 has picked up everything I’ve ever thrown at it. Linux driver support is good too, when an OEM is onboard. App store? For all of the open-source compareware, sure. Most of it is fine, but sometimes people need the genuine article. You know how much time and productivity would be lost if an office switched from MS Office to OpenOffice or LibreOffice (whatever they’re calling it this week)? Pitch that to the boss or CIO, and see how well that turns out. Gaming is here for Linux, but that is just about it. ALL hardcore, frame-rating gamers will stick with Windows until the White Walkers arrive. Gaming is here for the Mac too… YMMV on forum support and the Linux ‘community.’ Just like anywhere else, I’ve seen some nice folks and a whole bunch of “RTFM!” Linux geeks that couldn’t be bothered. Linux is great for simple use scenarios by folks that don’t have any special attachment to a specific program, or file format. If it is that great, select ANY Windows user you know and give them a Linux desktop for a week. I’d be surprised if they made it through the first day.

By: muzikjock Sun, 27 Nov 2016 20:03:10 +0000 In reply to ron.

you sound like you would have a problem with anything. for wireless not to work out of the box today, you would almost have to have a network card manufactured somewhere in siberia. truth be told, with the exception of broadcom network cards, no problem…and there are even linux broadcom drivers now.

By: nubwaxer Wed, 24 Aug 2016 05:17:39 +0000 i’ve seen this for more than 10 years yet linux has not caught on and won’t unless M$ ever makes an operating system impossible to pirate.

By: Sunny Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:22:40 +0000 This is nice article. I use Linux for 8 years (also Windows). To make right decision it is also important to know when NOT to use Linux:
1. If you are very dependent on Microsoft Office. Yes, LibreOffice is great and I use it full time. But there is no such think as 100% compatibility. So if you need 100% document compatibility you are dependent on Microsoft Office.
2. If you are heavy gamer. As games and programs for Windows are NOT going to work on Linux. Yes, there are some games for Linux (in my humble opinion for games is better to have console like Play station, X-box etc).
3. Windows is much bigger ecosystem. So there may be some programs that are ONLY available on Windows. For example I have a Garmin GPS device that only has Windows software to update the device. You can’t update it on Linux (unless you would like to risk you device and play with Wine).
4. In corporate environment you need to be very careful, because there may be always some application that only runs on Windows. Investigate before jumping.

In my humble opinion migration from Windows to Linux is the last step. There should be many other steps before it. You need to start using THE SAME software on Windows, before switching to Linux. For example replace Microsoft Outlook with Mozilla Thunderbird. Replace Internet Explorer or Edge (in Window 10) to Firefox or Chrome (or something else). Replace Microsoft Office with LibreOffice. You get it start replacing each of the application on Windows one by one until you are satisfied with it. Then move to next application. When you get to the state that ALL of your applications on Windows are exactly the one you gonna use on Linux, then the last step is the easiest one, replace Windows with Linux.

If you are going to jump from Windows to Linux WITHOUT changing existing Windows only applications to Windows and Linux running applications it is highly possible that you gonna switch back to Windows, but the reason is not because Linux is not good enough, but transition to something else is not done properly.

I can assure you there is a big chance you are going to have some kind of problems in Linux, but not because Linux is not good enough, but because in some way it is different. You need to understand what you can expect. So I advice to install Linux first as virtual machine or install it on PC that is not your primary PC to work with. You see Linux is like a motorcycle and Windows is like a car. Motorcycle is great but you need to understand that there are some cases that it is different.

I don’t want to discourage anyone, I would like a lot of people start trying Linux. But having non realistic very high expectations (like some articles can produce), it may be the road back to starting point of Windows.

If you are not computer literate it is nice to have someone that can help you out. There may be forums etc, but it is always nice to have some friend that is more computer literate.

By: antonio Wed, 18 May 2016 12:14:32 +0000 With Ubuntu, on Hardware not older than 6/7 years, Wifi works seamlessly. I had several PCs as well as Notebooks and WiFi was never an issue…..just click the SSID and giving the right passphrase……
Beside that, I agree with the 11 points mentioned in the article.

By: ron Sun, 15 May 2016 22:02:35 +0000 ‘Drivers are no more a problem’. Are you kidding. I have more trouble trying to connect my laptops using wi-fi in 75% of the linux distros. It’s better than 3 or 4years ago but still a problem.
