Comments on: How to Install OTRS on RHEL 8 | Rocky Linux 8 | AlmaLinux 8 Sat, 23 Sep 2023 12:11:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: mal333 Sat, 15 Oct 2022 23:29:21 +0000 On Almalinux i installed MariaDB by dnf, mysql and maridb command work properly, service work fine, but otrs*.sh can`t see my mariadb instance. I can`t get what is wrong šŸ™

By: ahmad Khizir Wed, 02 Jun 2021 05:53:59 +0000 hi ,
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Cannot open: ‘’ Skipping.

i am getting above error while downlading otrs

By: Pradeep Kumar Wed, 13 Jan 2021 16:00:08 +0000 In reply to Edson Ernesto Mendes Chinendele.

As you are using CentOS 8 system. So enable EPEL repository for CentOS 8 only. Run below command to enable it.

# dnf install -y epel-release

For Installing OTRS rpm package use below command

# dnf install -y ‘’

By: Edson Ernesto Mendes Chinendele Wed, 13 Jan 2021 15:14:10 +0000 Good afternoon guys, I am trying to install perl on my server and I am facing this error below.

[root@otrs-lab-vm otrs]# yum -y ‘ release-7-9.noarch.rpm’
NĆ£o existe este comando: ‘’. Por favor utilize /bin/yum –help
It could be a YUM plugin command, try: “yum install ‘dnf-command(‘’)'”
[root@otrs-lab-vm otrs]# yum install ‘’ -y
ƚltima verificaĆ§Ć£o de expiraĆ§Ć£o de metadados: 2:57:53 em qua 13 jan 2021 12:12:26 UTC.
otrs-6.0.17-01.noarch.rpm 45 MB/s | 24 MB 00:00
Problema: conflicting requests
– nothing provides perl(DateTime) needed by otrs-6.0.17-01.noarch
– nothing provides perl(Crypt::SSLeay) needed by otrs-6.0.17-01.noarch
(try to add ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages or ‘–nobest’ to use not only best candidate packages)

I’m use CentOS8 in my server.

By: Martin Fri, 25 Sep 2020 07:43:07 +0000 Great article, saved my day, thank you very much for sharing.

I would only like to point out 2 things:

1. Internet access
2. extra perl modules (OTRS otrs-6.0.27-02)

ad 1. Internet access

I have been installing OTRS inside private network with no direct internet access, only through HTTP forward proxy — the forward proxy configuration at OS level is fine and is working as expected, howerer, I was unable to pass those settings to mod_perl executing the OTRS itself, for some reason the standard OS environment variables (http_proxy, https_proxy) are not taken into account. The setup wizard and first login has been pain — it tried to contact otrs public website, which did not succeed.

Temporarily I was forced to break the security policy and configure direct Internet access to the instance and complete the setup with full Internet access enabled.

ad 2. extra modules

yum -y install
yum update
yum install "perl(Moo)" "perl(namespace::clean)" "perl(Exporter::Tiny)" "perl(Math::Random::ISAAC)" "perl(Module::Find)" -y

By: guru Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:45:40 +0000 Thank You

By: EQUBAL ALAM Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:33:09 +0000 How to configure mail plz clearify ?

what step I will follow for mail INBOUND and OUTBOUND setting

By: David Mon, 24 Feb 2020 18:55:50 +0000 Thanks for this article!

By: Jessia Thu, 12 Dec 2019 18:22:20 +0000 followed the instructions…. but for mail configuration what will i do? have already configured imap server. but dont know any solution how to create a outbound mail server so that OTRS agent can reply.
please help

By: Maverick Mon, 25 Nov 2019 05:37:42 +0000 Facing an issue with my.cnf file. getting below error,
‘Error: Please set the value for innodb_log_file_size on your database to at least 256 MB (current: 48 MB, recommended: 512 MB). For more information, please have a look at ‘’
When I changed the value to 256 MB, MariaDB Service is in a failed state.
Please help.
